Welcome to Caregiverology.com
The study of caregiving!

The purpose of this site is to assist caregivers (also known as carers) of all kinds to be the best they can be. There are many challenges faced when caring for others. Needing help is nothing to be ashamed of and seeking it should actually be encouraged. Click here to view the most recently uploaded pages.

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We often face challenges that test us physically, mentally, and emotionally

This site was built to focus on all aspects of caregiving and to give people all around the world an advantage at this challenging task. It is a worldwide hub of useful information that makes patients' experiences better.

There are many different types of people who give this care. Some work or volunteer in a hospital, nursing home, or similar care facility while others take care of their friend or relative in need. Regardless, we could all use a helping hand whether it is better ways to give care, or inspiration to keep moving forward when things are at their worst.

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In order to be at your best when performing your caregiver duties, you also have to take care of yourself. This is something I like to call caregiver care. Too many of us skip this crucial step. You, on the other hand, don't have to. It is more important than you may realize and your patient's experience will, without a doubt, benefit from it. Here are some inspirational quotes to pick you up when you are feeling down.

No task is the same and there are millions of people who need our helping hand.

This site strives to make these tasks better not only for you, but for the person receiving the care. That should be your primary focus, so if it isn't already, stop right now and make that your goal. It will without a doubt improve the care you give to your patients and loved ones.

We could all use a boost in this field.

Have a burning question you would like to ask? Click here and ask away while helping others who may have the same question. Or if you don't want to share your question, Contact me directly to get it answered in a professional yet friendly manner. If you find anything you disagree with on this site, be sure to let me know.

Better still, do you have a special tip or technique you use to give excellent care? Have an inspirational and heartfelt story to tell? Share them here at your caregiver stories and make a difference for people giving, as well as receiving care. Help and be helped. I am currently looking for partners if you want to write for this site and receive compensation for it.

The Perfect Bed for Everyone?

Is the purple mattress the best bed for caregivers and their patients? If you've never heard of the brand or you have but aren't too familiar with it, click here to read my reviewI own and use multiple purple branded products. They have won me over as a fan and I'm sure if you try any of their products, you will be too.

A New Way To Bathe?

Do you work for a facility that has recently started or is about to start using chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG), as a replacement for bathing patients with soap and water? Click on the link to learn more about what this is and why it is being done.

Looking for Employment?

Try searching through the Jooble company. They have lists of thousands of job opportunities many of which are in the medical field.

Find out more About Me

My name is Derek and I am the sole owner of this site. I currently work in a hospital as a registered nurse and have been in the medical field for over a decade now. I made this site not only to help others, but to help me as well. There is always something new to learn in this complex ecosystem and I strive to make sense of it all.

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