Do you disagree with something on this website? Let me know what it is down below. It can be a personal opinion or something I am completely wrong about. I will be the first one to tell you that I am not the perfect caregiver and I absolutely make mistakes.
This site is a few years old and is just getting older. Even the care that I give has evolved in that amount of time and still is. I am constantly learning from my mistakes and finding better ways to do certain tasks. There very well may be pages that are stuck in the past and need updating. You can help me do just that.
A subjective field Evidenced based practice Lets build a community Controversial Articles Click here to start writing now
The medical field is also extremely subjective. Depending on where you are and who you ask, people will have widely different opinions on various topics. Does that necessarily mean one is wrong and the other is right? Maybe it does, or maybe there is a more efficient way of doing a certain task, or just a better way to view something.
As a caregiver, you have to have an open mind about how things can be done and be willing to make adjustments to the way you do and see things. We are in a rapidly changing environment that is constantly moving forward. Don't try to stop the healthcare train, you will just get run over.
Studies and experiments are rampant while people try to better what is being done. Even if something has worked for many years, there still may be a more efficient way of doing it. You have to be willing to try new things in order for progress to occur. Easier said than done, especially for those who have been practicing for decades.
There are teams all over the world working full time to make healthcare better for us as caregivers as well as our patients. Evidenced based practice is a well known term used to describe how we are constantly testing and innovating the way we care for others. I plan to discuss this topic further in future pages.
I hope this page will spark some deep conversations. I am open to hear anyone and everyone's take on any topic I've covered. Don't be afraid of confrontation. This is a safe space where we can discuss anything healthcare related in a professional and respectable manner. This is how progress is made.
If you have evidence for your take on something, make sure you reference it or better yet, provide a link to the website or article when possible. That makes for an even better discussion, especially if it is from a highly credible source.
I encourage anybody else to chime in on the conversation when they feel they have something valuable to add. The more the merrier. Lets create a strong team of caregivers willing to find solutions to any problem that surfaces. Help and be helped.
I am completely open to making changes to any page on this site when a compelling argument is made. If requested, I am even open to providing links that are posted or give credit to someone personally when adjustments are made.
Are You a Desensitized Caregiver Who Lacks Empathy? - Do you find yourself desensitized to your patient's feelings and emotions while caregiving? Do you feel a lack of empathy for the suffering of others? Do you often ask yourself "What is wrong with me? Why don't I sympathize more for the sick? Am I abnormal or are there others in similar situations as mine that feel this way too?"
The Truth About Alarm Fatigue in Healthcare - As someone who has worked in the medical field for many years, I can tell you that alarm fatigue is very real. In case you are unaware of its meaning, alarm fatigue is what happens when healthcare workers become overwhelmed and desensitized to medical alarms due to the high frequency of hearing them in the workplace.
What is a Caregiver? - This may sound like a simple question but it is surprisingly complex. The term caregiver has been used to describe a variety of different people ranging from family members who care for their loved ones to healthcare workers in the medical field.
The Reality of Being a Male Caregiver - As a male caregiver, I feel like I should discuss the various aspects that I have noticed throughout the years. Some are positive while others are negative. With the ever increasing amount of men entering the medical field and caring for their loved ones, I'm sure there are many that can relate to this topic.
Pain management basics for your patient - Pain management for your patient can be a very touchy and controversial topic. It is difficult to diagnose and sometimes impossible to manage completely. It is experienced and often managed differently from person to person.
Self Driving Cars for the Elderly and Disabled - Are self driving cars a blessing or a curse for the elderly and disabled? This is a very controversial topic with many complicated questions and no definitive answers. Even though I believe the benefits outweigh the risks, acceptance is a crucial factor that has to happen in order for the concept to work.
Are Robot Caregivers a Good Idea? - Should robot caregivers take our place in caring for our patients and loved ones? Although this may sound like a crazy idea, it is actually currently being worked on. There are teams experimenting with this concept as we speak. Whether you agree with it or not, this is coming in our future. The question is not if, but when.
Registered Nurse and Certified Nursing Assistant Controversies - I imagine ever since registered nurses and certified nursing assistants started working together, there have been controversies regarding their roles. They should work as a team and compliment each other. Neither side should take advantage of the other.
Saying Very Important Person (VIP) is Wrong in Healthcare - Many of you may have heard the term vip, which is an acronym for very important person/patient, while working as a caregiver. In my opinion, that term does not belong in healthcare. I'm sure many people disagree with me but here's why.
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Hospice QAPI Director, MSN, BSN, RN
Applying Barrier Cream - Caregiver Guide
You state you apply thickly. The standards have changed since adult diapers & pull ups have improved so much. …
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