This is a list of caregiver poems that I have found. I will continue to add more over time. Note that these are not my own work. The original creator is noted before and after each poem along with the source.
Anderson McCurley Huff Goulding Brennan Mysendoff Dyar Schlitt Eileen Kimberly Pilot Finegan Johnson Anonymous Save/pin
In the land where troubles roam,
Caregivers find their loving home.
With hands so gentle, hearts so kind,
They heal the body, soothe the mind.
In this realm of tender care,
Where every soul finds solace there,
They weave their magic, day and night,
Guiding us toward the light.
With upper cervical care they stand,
A beacon in the healing land.
Adjusting spines with skill and grace,
Bringing comfort to every place.
Their hands like artist, brush in hand,
Painting health across the land.
In their care, we find our way,
With every visit, a brighter day.
So here’s to caregivers, noble and true,
In their hands, wellness blooms anew.
With every adjustment, a healing balm,
In the caregiver's song, we find our calm.
In the sea of vertebrae, they chart,
A course to wellness, a journey’s start.
With every adjustment, a wave of relief,
In the caregiver’s quest, we find belief.
With upper cervical care, they brave,
The depths of discomfort, they save.
Their hands like anchors, steady and true,
Guiding us to skies of blue.
So let us sail this odyssey of health,
With caregivers by our side, in stealth.
With each adjustment, a chapter penned
In the saga of healing, from end to end.
I am the caregiver, the watcher, the guide
I walk down the hall with you by my side
a smile, a laugh, a hug or embrace
I watch the worry fall away from your face
I am the caregiver, the watcher, the guide
I walk down the hall with you by my side
I am your compass, your shinning north star
I try to remind you of just who you are
I am the caregiver, the watcher, the guide
I walk down the hall with you by my side
Pictures and letters, music of old
keep your mind warm and away from the cold
I am the caregiver, the watcher, the guide
I walk down the hall with you by my side
the routine of night shows no wear and tear
the light of the morning so soon will be here.
By Lee McCurley
The heart of a caregiver is a rare element on earth
They define the true meaning and value of God's worth
The soul of a caregiver is precious and pure
Their spirits are heavenly, of that I am sure
The selfless compassion and love that they share
Provides relief, joy, and comfort just knowing they're there
Their efforts often unnoticed, full of strength and emotion
Bring peace to the heavens with angelic devotion
Many nights they are restless, their minds filled with unease
Because they devote their lives to tend to others' needs
There is none more deserving than one with the caregiver ability
They show peace, love, and mercy and give our loved ones dignity
Caregiver, a special place in heaven is waiting for you
There is a special place inside my heart that is reserved for you, too
Thank you for everything, all of it, and more
I pray someone so kind is there for you when you knock on God's door
You are loved and respected and cherished
And I wouldn't have known what to do without you
By Ryann Huff
Fulfilling a promise,
toiling through thin and thick.
Commitments abounding
to family, friends, work and all.
No time to smell roses or savor the sunset.
Feelings suppressed, from dreams unfulfilled,
Intimacy shattered and memories erased,
friendships faded and love encaged.
Release yourself from frustration and anger.
Release yourself from the burden of guilt!
Let the tears roll free, to let out all the sadness.
Give others a chance to share in the care,
a chance to give back before it's too late.
Link up with the world,
refresh your perspective.
Dare caring for you, both your body and soul.
Release yourself to be who you are,
with dreams to fulfill while able and strong.
Embrace your life, the gift you were given,
you are not to be blamed for your loved one's decline.
Renewed, you can blossom,
freed up from the burden of guilt and despair.
Reborn, love can flourish,
and your care can become a blessing to share.
By Siv Goulding
When I was lost, you showed the way.
When I was frightened, you calmed fear away.
You made me laugh, when I wanted to cry.
I fail so often and you tell me; "Just try."
You are my friend, and I forgot your name.
I called for help and it was you; who came...
The time is short and soon, I must go.
There's just one thing left for you to know.
The sun and rain help to make a garden grow.
The garden grew well, now winter threatens snow.
And so, I leave with a final, loving refrain,
You are the sunshine - I am the rain...
By Tim Brennan
We were once known as undertakers, undertaking a calling others would not.
We are now funeral directors, giving caring direction so those gone aren't forgot.
We are frontline supporters who know the path we'll all take.
We guide families through loss with the choices they make.
We provide answers to questions with a personal touch.
We help celebrate a life that still means so much.
We serve those who have left, comforting those left behind.
We promise to be understanding, compassionate, and kind.
We arrange funerals with good judgement that help start the journey.
We bring comfort and confidence so our families needn't worry.
We understand it's alright to shed tears, have regrets, and sorrow.
We provide a harbor of calm offering hope for tomorrow.
We know that loving and losing is all part of living.
We ensure a gathering takes place so others can share in the giving.
We help those who remain remember their loved ones now gone.
We encourage good memories with tribute, tradition, and song.
We give strength and support to the families we serve.
We work hard to provide the dignity we know they deserve.
We are caregivers for life who also care for the dead.
We share with the living where our life's calling has led.
Being a caregiver I am more than just an employee, I am a friend, a best friend, and to some I am even considered family.
I am someone's caregiver and I am their hope, their strength, their courage, I am their hero, I am their life, I am their everything!
I am someone's caregiver and I help them do the things they can't do anymore, I help them get out of bed, I help them eat, I help them get bathed, I help them dress, I help them walk, I help them clean, I help them read, I am their driver, I help them think, I help them remember!
I am someone's caregiver and they are more than just a job to me, they are my friend, my best friend, and my family, they are my hope, my strength, my courage, my hero, they are my life, and they are my everything. I am their caregiver and I love them.
By Donna Dyar
In case I forget to kiss you goodnight,
Or hold your hand gently in mine,
Just wrap me tightly inside your arms,
And remember the happier times.
In case I forget when glancing at you,
The one, who makes me complete,
Alzheimer's may have won with my mind,
But my heart it will never defeat.
In case I forget the children we've raised,
Or the hundreds of stories I've told,
Shed not a tear, "for plessed are we,
Who forget one day we are old."
In case I forget to tell you how much,
You're cherished and treasured each day.
My best friend beside me to brighten the path,
And carry me all of the way.
I may greet you someday, with questioning eyes
As a stranger with whom I've just met,
Still, I love you my darling with all of my heart,
Remember...In case I forget.
By Lisa Schlitt
Unknown to others all around
But truly known to only one
Energy and listening abound
For them your work is never done
Providing not just care but love
Keeping a smile hiding a tear
One is watching from above
You are holding back their fear
When all is said and done
From the earth this one is gone
Family members to you will tell
Dear caregiver, you've done well
By Eileen
I am blessed and I am grateful
To have a job that doesn't seem like work
Because of all the many perks
I know this job came from above
Because it is one I very much love
The only thing that makes me blue
Is that sometimes I really miss you
Some call me a visiting angel
And I wish I did have wings
So I could see you more often
And we could have time for things
So don't think I have forgotten
Don't think I do not care
Because my love for you
Will always be right here
I am needed somewhere else right now
So when you think of me, please say a prayer
And you will see I will come visit as soon as I am free
By Kimberly W.
Happiness is inevitable, she said,
I don't wake up joyful every morning.
I find beauty in the little things.
Happiness is everywhere,
If we are open to possibilities.
Sadness is inevitable, she said,
There will be tears and trials,
There will be sorrows and pain,
But sadness brings appreciation,
Of brighter days and rainbows waiting.
Fear is inevitable, she said,
Because we cannot predict the future.
We can only use our best judgment,
And embrace life as a gift,
Bequeathed, and measured, by the moments.
Anger is inevitable she said,
There will always be others contrary,
To the path that we have defined as ours.
Forgiveness of self, is without question
And forgiveness of others facilitates healing.
Mistakes are inevitable, she said,
We are human beings, no more, no less,
And suffering relates to our imperfections.
But errors yield strength and discovery,
And the recognition that love outweighs pain.
Death is inevitable, she said,
But those who have walked before me,
Were neither stronger, nor weaker,
And because of this, I am not alone.
I will face the journey with grace and dignity.
How do you keep your faith I said,
In a world where so many injustices prevail?
Open your eyes and yield, she said.
Each breath is a blessing, gifted by your maker,
And you are but a rain drop, in a perfect storm.
By Elder Pilot
You wore buttons and bows, timid and shy;
Such a sweet little girl, apple of my eye.
You loved pretty dresses, all frilly with lace;
Your eyes seemed to dance in your beautiful face.
We were best friends through your teen years;
I shared your excitement and wiped away tears.
Now you're a woman, with your own family;
But with all that you do, you still make time for me.
You call or come over nearly every day;
Just to make sure that I am okay.
You take great care of me, that is for sure;
I am very blessed to have you, for a daughter!
By Sylvia Finegan
When you watch someone die, you must sit up close and open your heart to pronounce each vowel, you must let your loved one embrace the air, let his arm extend towards infinity, you must help him touch the stars.
When you watch your father die, remember it is a privilege to stroke his stone cheek, to kiss his forehead, to tuck his hair behind his ears. You must try not to be so important, you must wave when he decides to leave.
When you watch a bomber pilot die, who once got lost in the threshold of a dream, remember he no longer needs his walker, his cane, his wheelchair. Remember there will come a day when he will no longer need you, will no longer need his body, though you will pray for him to bring back the light as he flies past one thousand sunrises in the sky.
By Caroline Johnson
Blessed are they who understand
My faltering step and shaking hand.
Blessed are they who know my ears today
Must strain to hear the things they say.
Blessed are they who seem to know
My eyes are dim and my answers slow.
Blessed are they who look away
When my tea was spilled at the table today.
Blessed are they who with a cheery smile
Will stop to chat for a little while.
Blessed are they who never say
"You've told that story twice today."
Blessed are they who know my ways
And bring back memories of yesterdays.
Blessed are they who ease the days
And care for me in loving ways.
Blessed are they who make it known
I'm loved, respected, and not alone.
By Anonymous
Are there any caregiver poems you would like to share? Let me know in the comments below. Hopefully they will warm the hearts of others.
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