This page is a hub for various Q&A (questions and answers) pages where caregivers answer a series of questions regarding their position in the field. Their answers may assist you in deciding whether you would enjoy working in a similar position.
If one of these interviews pushes you away from that sort of work, fear not. Read another page and you just might find a position that seems better suited for you. Expect to see multiple pages with a variety of positions over time.
If you are already a caregiver yourself and would like to share your answers to these questions, please do so. I would love to post them on this website for all to see. The more people who participate, the more useful this section becomes.
Answer every question as truthfully as possible. I plan to keep everyone who participates anonymous so there is no fear of losing your job or being ridiculed if something is answered negatively. I want answers to be as truthful as possible.
Simply copy the text below and paste it in the large white text box. Then you can type your answers next to the A. The pictures and personal information are optional. However, you do have to check the box agreeing to the submission guidelines. Thank you for contributing!
Q: Where do you work? (ex: facility, hospital, home, etc.)
Q: What position do you have? (ex: registered nurse, certified nursing assistant, care for friend/family, etc.)
Q: How long have you been a caregiver?
Q: What are your hours? (ex: 7 am-7 pm, part time, prn, continuous, etc.)
Q: What does a typical shift look like? (be as vague or specific as you like)
Q: What do you like about your work the most?
Q: What do you dislike the most?
Q: Would you recommend this position to others?
Q: How has your work benefited others?
Q: Is there a story you would like to share?
Q: Do you have any healthcare related education? What was it like?
Q: Do you have any other previous caregiving experience?
Q: Do you have any final thoughts/advice to give?
Share your information, knowledge, and experience to the world. Help others decide which path is right for them. Don't forget to read what others have written by clicking the links down below.
Caregiver Employment Tips and Resources
From Various Caregiver Positions Q&A to Home
Feb 15, 25 10:27 AM
Jan 28, 25 09:15 AM
Nov 26, 24 11:56 AM
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