Here is a list of common medical abbreviations and acronyms. Use the green search box at the bottom of the page or the alphabet below to find a specific one more quickly.
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Simply click the blue underlined terms to learn more about them. Use the comment section at the bottom of the page to name one that is missing. I will be adding more to the list periodically.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Pin
A/O - alert and oriented
A&P - assessment and plan
AAA - abdominal aortic aneurism
ABCDE - airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure
ABD - abdominal
ABG - arterial blood gas
ABI - ankle brachial index
ABLA - acute blood loss anemia
Abn - abnormal
ABX - antibiotics
AC - before meals
AC/HS - before meals / at bedtime
ACDF - anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
ACE - angiotensin converting enzyme
ACLS - advanced cardiac life support
Ack - acknowledge
ACP - advanced clinical practitioner
ACS - acute coronary syndrome
AD - advance directive
ADA - Americans with disabilities act
ADAT - advance diet as tolerated
ADD - attention deficit disorder
ADE - adverse drug event
ADH - antidiuretic hormone
ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Ad lib - as desired
ADLs - activities of daily living
ADM - admission
ADR - adverse drug reaction
AECOPD - acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
AED - automated external defibrillator, antiepileptic drug
AF - atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, amniotic fluid
A fib - atrial fibrillation
Ag - silver
AHA - American heart association
AHTR - acute hemolytic transfusion reaction
AICD - automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
AIDET - acknowledge, introduce, duration, explanation, thank you
AIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AKA - above the knee amputation
AKI - acute kidney injury
ALARA - as low as reasonably achievable
ALB - albumin
A line - arterial line
ALL - acute lymphocytic leukemia
ALP - alkaline phosphatase
ALT - alanine aminotransferase
AMA - against medical advice
Amb - ambulate, ambulatory
AMI - acute myocardial infarction
AML - acute myeloid leukemia
AMLS - advanced medical life support
Amp - amputated, ampule
AMS - altered mental status
AMT - amount
ANA - American nurses association, antinuclear antibody
ANC - absolute neutrophil count
AND - allow natural death
Anes - anesthesia
ANX - anxiety
AOCD - anemia of chronic disease
AOI - area of impact
AP - apical
APP - advanced practice provider
Approx - approximately
Appy - appendectomy
APT - AntiPlatelete Trialists
APTT - activated partial thromboplastin time
AR - aortic regurgitation, artificial respiration
ARB - angiotensin receptor blocker
ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome
ARI - acute respiratory infection
ARNP - advanced registered nurse practitioner
AS - aortic stenosis
ASA - acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
Asp - aspiration
AST - aspartate aminotransferase
ATTN - attending
AUB - abnormal uterine bleeding
AVF - aortic valve flow
AVM - arteriovenous malformation
AVPU - alert voice pain unresponsive
AVR - aortic valve replacement
AX - axillary
AXR - abdominal xray
BA - baker act, barium
BAL - bronchoalveolar lavage
Baso - basophils
BB - bed bath
BBB - bundle branch block
BBL - bed bath and linen changed
BC - blood culture
BCPI - bundled payment for care improvement
Benzo - benzodiazepine
BERT - behavioral emergency response team
Bilat - bilateral
BiPAP - bilevel positive airway pressure
BKA - below the knee amputation
BLE - bilateral lower extremities
BLS - basic life support
BM - bowel movement
BMI - body mass index
BMP - basic metabolic panel
BMR - basal metabolic rate
BON - board of nursing
BP - blood pressure
BPCI - bundled payments for care improvement
BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia
BPS - bloodborne pathogens standard
brady - bradycardia
BRBPR - bright red blood per rectum
Bronch - bronchoscopy
BRP - bathroom privilages
BS - blood sugar, bedside
BSC - bedside commode
BTP - breakthrough pain
BUE - bilateral upper extremities
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
BX - biopsy
C - celsius
C/O - complains of
C/W - consistent with
CA - cancer, calcium
CABG - coronary artery bypass graft
CAD - coronary artery disease
CAP - community acquired pneumonia
Cath - catheterization
CAT scan - computerized axial tomography scan
Cauc - Caucasian
CAUTI - catheter associated urinary tract infection
CBC - complete blood count
CBD - common bile duct
CBE - charting by exception
CBI - continuous bladder irrigation
CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy
CC - cubic centimeter, chief complaint
CCF - chest compression fraction
CCR - continuity of care record
CCU - critical care unit
CDC - centers for disease control
CDI - cool, dry, intact; clostridium difficile infection
C diff - clostridium difficile
CDSS - clinical decision support system
CE - European Conformity
CEA - carcinoembryonic antigen
CF - cystic fibrosis
CHF - congestive heart failure
CHG - chlorhexidine gluconate
CIWA - clinical institute withdrawal assessment
CIWA-Ar - clinical institute withdrawal assessment revised version
CKD - chronic kidney disease
CL - chloride
CLABSI - central line associated bloodstream infection
CLD - clear liquid diet
CLL - chronic lymphocytic leukemia
CM - centimeters, case management
CML - chronic myelogenous leukemia
CNA - certified nursing assistant
CNS - central nervous system
CO - cardiac output
CO2 - carbon dioxide
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP - chest pain
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
CPK - creatinine phosphokinase
CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPT - current procedural terminology, chest physiotherapy
CRAFFT - car, relax, alone, forget, friends, trouble
CrCl - creatinine clearance
Creat - creatinine
CRE - carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae
CRNA - certified registered nurse anesthetist
CRP - c-reactive protein
CRPP - closed reduction percutaneous pinning
CSF - cerebral spinal fluid
CTA - computed tomography angiography
CTAB - clear to auscultation bilaterally
CTABDPELV - computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis
CTAP - computed tomography during arterial portography
CTS - carpal tunnel syndrome
CT scan - computed tomography scan
CUP - carcinoma of unknown primary
CV - cardiovascular
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
CVC - central venous catheter
CVR - cerebrovascular resistance
CX - culture
CXR - chest xray
D - day
D/T - due to
DAPT - dual antiplatelet therapy
DaPT - diphtheria, acellular pertussis, tetanus vaccine
DAR - data, action, patient response
DAT - direct antiglobulin test
DBP - diastolic blood pressure
DC, D/C - discharge, discontinue
DCIS - ductal carcinoma in situ
DCP - discharge plan
DD - differential diagnosis, diastolic dysfunction
DDD - degenerative disc disease, daily defined doses
Def - deficiency
Defib - defibrillator
DES - drug eluting stent
DHF - diastolic heart failure, dengue hemorrhagic fever
DHT - dobhoff tube, decompensated heart failure
dL - deciliter
DM - diabetes mellitus
DME - durable medical equipment
DNAR - do not attempt resuscitation
DNI - do not intubate
DNR - do not resuscitate
DO - doctor of osteopathic medicine
DOA - drugs of abuse, dead on arrival
DOB - date of birth
DOE - dyspnea on exertion
DOH - department of health
DON - director of nursing
DOT - Department of Transportation
Dr - doctor
DRESS - drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
DRG - diagnosis-related group
DRI - dietary reference intake
DRSP - drug resistant streptococcus pneumoniae
DT - date
DTI - deep tissue injury
DTS - delirium tremens
DUB - dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
DW - dextrose in water
DX - diagnosis
EAC - external auditory canal, erythema annulare centrifugum
EAG - employee advocacy group, estimated average glucose
EBUS - endobronchial ultrasound
ECC - emergency cardiovascular care
ECF - extracellular fluid
ECG - echocardiogram
Echo - echocardiogram
E coli - escherichia coli
ED - emergency department, erectile dysfunction
EENT - eye, ear, nose, and throat
EF - ejection fraction, enteral feeding
E-FORCSE - Electronic Florida Online Reporting of Controlled Substance Evaluation Program
EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy (upper GI endoscopy)
EHAC - early heart attack care
EHR - electronic health record
EKG - echocardiogram
EMAR - electronic medication administration record
EMG - electromyography
EMR - electronic medical record
EMS - emergency medical services
EMTALA - emergency medical treatment and labor act
EN - enteral nutrition
ENA - emergency nurses association
ENB - esthesioneuroblastoma
ENT - ear, nose, and throat
EOMI - extraocular movements intact
EOP - emergency operations plan
Eos - eosinophils
ER - emergency room
ERAS - enhanced recovery after surgery
ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography
ESBL - extended spectrum beta lactamase
ESLD - end stage liver disease
ESRD - end-stage renal disease
ESS - empty sella syndrome
ETA - estimated time of arrival
ETOH - alcohol
EUS - endoscopic ultrasound
Eval - evaluation
Ex - expiratory
Exac - exacerbation
Ex fix - external fixation
EXT - extraction
F - female, fahrenheit, french
F/U - follow up
Fe - iron
FEN - fluids, electrolytes, and nutrition
FENA - fractional excretion of sodium
FH - family history
Fib - fibula
FL OZ - fluid ounce
FNS - food and nutrition service
FOB - foot of bed, fecal occult blood
FOBT - fecal occult blood test
Freq - frequency
FT - foot
FTSG - full thickness skin graft
FTT - failure to thrive
FVD - fluid volume deficit
FVE - fluid volume excess
FX - fracture
G - gram, gauge
GAD - generalized anxiety disorder
Gal - gallon
GAS - general adaptation syndrome
GCS - Glasgow coma scale, graduated compression stockings
GCSF - granulocyte colony stimulating factor
GCT - germ cell tumor
GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease
GFR - glomerular filtration rate
GI - gastrointestinal
GIB - gastrointestinal bleed
GIST - gastrointestinal stromal tumor
GJ tube - gastrostomy jejunostomy tube
GLF - ground level fall
GM - gram
GOC - goals of care
GTD - gestational trophoblastic disease
GTT - drop
GU - genitourinary, gastric ulcer
GYN - gynecology, gynecologist
H&H - hemoglobin and hematocrit
H&P - history and physical
H2O - water
HA - headache
HAI - healthcare associated infection
HAZMAT - hazardous materials
HB - hemoglobin
HBA1C - hemoglobin A1C
HBV - hepatitis b virus
HCAP - healthcare associated pneumonia
HCC - hepatocellular carcinoma
HCM - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
HCO3 - bicarbonate
HCT - hematocrit, hydrochlorothiazide
HCTZ - hydrochlorothiazide
HCV - hepatitis c virus
HD - hemodialysis
HDL - high density lipoprotein
HDS - hemodynamically stable
HEENT - head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat
Hep - hepatitis
HF - heart failure
HGB - hemoglobin
HH - home health
HHC - home health care
HHS - health and human services
HICPAC - healthcare infection control practices advisory committee
HIPAA - Health insurance portability and accountability act
HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
HLD - hyperlipidemia
HOB - head of bed
HOH - hard of hearing
HPI - history of present illness
HR - heart rate, hour, human resources
HS - at bedtime
HSV - herpes simplex virus
HT - height
HTN - hypertension
Hum - humidified
HV - half value, hemovac
HX - history
Hyper - above normal
Hypo - below normal
I&D - incision and drainage
I&O - intake and output
IABP - intra-aortic balloon pump
IADLs - instrumental activities of daily living
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
ICD - implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
ICH - intracerebral hemorrhage
ICU - intensive care unit
ID - intradermal, infectious disease
IDC - indwelling catheter, invasive ductal carcinoma
IDN - integrated delivery network
IHC - immunohistochemistry
IJ - internal jugular
ILI - influenza like illness
IM - intramuscular
IMN - infectious mononucleosis, intramedullary nail
IN - inch
INC - incontinent
INR - international normalized ratio
INT - intermittent needle therapy
IOC - intraoperative cholangiogram
IPA - independent practice association
IPF - idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
IPN - intervention project for nurses
IPPV - intermittent positive pressure ventilation
IPR - intellectual property rights
IR - interventional radiology
IS - incentive spirometer
ISOL - isolation
ITP - immune thrombocytopenic purpura
IV - intravenous
IVC - inferior vena cava
IVF - intravenous fluids
IVAB - intravenous antibiotics
IVVD - intravascular volume depletion
JP drain - Jackson Pratt drain
JVD - jugular venous distention
K - potassium
KG - kilogram
KM - kilometer
KUB - kidneys, ureters, bladder
KVO - keep vein open
L - left, liter, lumbar
LA - left arm
LAC - left antecubital, laceration
LAD - left anterior descending
Lap - laproscopic
LB - pound
LBBB - left bundle branch block
LC - leptomeningeal carcinomatosis
LDL - low density lipoprotein
LE - lower extremity, lupus erythematosus
LFA - left forearm
LFT - liver function tests
LHC - left heart catheterization
LIJ - left internal jugular
LIP - licensed independent practitioner
Liq - liquid
LIS - low intermittent suction
LLE - left lower extremity
LLL - left lower lobe
LM - liters per minute
LMP - last menstrual period
LMWH - low molecular weight heparin
LOA - lysis of adhesions
LOC - level of consciousness
LOS - length of stay
LP - lumbar puncture
LPN - licensed practical nurse
LR - lactated ringers
LRI - lower respiratory infection
LSO brace - lumbosacral orthosis brace
LTAC - long term acute care
LTC - Long term care
LUA - left upper arm
LUL - left upper lobe
LV - left ventricle
LVL - level
LVN - licensed vocational nurse
Lymph - lymphocytes
M - male, meter, minute
MAE - moves all extremities
MAR - medication administration record
MAT - medication assisted treatment
MBD - mineral and bone disorder
MBS - modified barium swallow
MCA - motorcycle accident, middle cerebral artery
MCC - motorcycle crash
MCG - microgram
MCH - mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC - mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCV - mean corpuscular volume
MD - medical doctor
MDD - major depressive disorder
MDI - metered-dose inhaler
MDRO - multidrug resistant organism
MDRTB - multidrug resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis
MDS - minimum data set, myelodysplastic syndrome
ME - medication error
MEN - multiple endocrine neoplasia
MEQ - milliequivalents
MERS - middle east respiratory syndrome
MET - medical emergency team
Mets - metastasis
METS - metabolic equivalents
MEWS - modified early warning score
MFH - malignant fibrous histiocytoma
MFS - morse fall scale
MG - milligram, magnesium
MGMT - management
MGT - management
MI - myocardial infarction, mile
MIC - minimum inhibitory concentration
MIDAS - medical information data analysis system
Min - minute
MIVF - maintenance intravenous fluids
ML - milliliter
MM - milimeter, multiple myeloma
MM Hg - milimeters of mercury
MMOL - millimole
MMSE - mini-mental state examination
MN - midnight
MOM - milk of magnesia
mono - mononucleosis, monocytes
MPV - mean platelet volume
MR - mitral regurgitation
MRA - magnetic resonance angiogram
MRCP - magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA - methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
MRV - magnetic resonance venography
MS - medical student, multiple sclerosis, mental status, mitral stenosis
MSDS - material safety data sheet
MSK - musculoskeletal
MSNCB - Medical Surgical Nursing Certification Board
MSSA - methicillin susceptible staph aureus
MV - mitral valve
MVA - motor vehicle accident
MVC - motor vehicle crash/collision
MVR - mitral valve replacement
MWF - monday wednesday friday
6MWT - six minute walk test
N/V - nausea and vomiting
NA - sodium, nursing assistant
NAD - no abnormality detected, no apparent distress
NAEO - no acute events overnight
NANDA - North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
Narc - narcotic
NASH - nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
NC - nasal cannula
NEB - nebulizer
Neg - negative
Neuro - neurological
Neut - neutrophils
NG - nasogastric
NGT - nasogastric tube
NGTD - negative to date, no growth to date
NHL - non-Hodgkin lymphoma
NIBP - non invasive blood pressure
NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NICM - nonischemic cardiomyopathy
NIH - national institutes of health
NIHSS - national institutes of health stroke scale
NIPPV - nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation
NKA - no known allergies
NKDA - no known drug allergies
NL - normal limits
Non op - non operational
NP - nurse practitioner
NPA - nurse practice act, nasopharyngeal airway
NPO - nothing by mouth
NREM sleep - nonrapid eye movement sleep
NS - normal saline
NSAID - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSCLC - non small cell lung cancer
NSG - nursing specialist group
NSR - normal sinus rhythm
NST - nonstress test
NSTE-ACS - non ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
NSTEMI - non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
NSVT - non sustained ventricular tachycardia
NTND - non tender non distended
NWB - non weight bearing
O2 - oxygen
O2 sat - oxygen saturation
OA - osteoarthritis
OB - obstetrics
Obs - observation
OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder
OM - otitis media
OOB - out of bed
OPA - oropharyngeal airway
OPAT - outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy
OPIM - other potentially infectious materials
OR - operating room
OREF - open reduction and external fixation
ORIF - open reduction and internal fixation
Ortho - orthostatic
OSA - obstructive sleep apnea
OSH - outside hospital
OSHA - occupational safety and health
OT - occupational therapy
OUD - opioid use disorder
Outpt - outpatient
OX - oximetry
OZ - ounce
P - pulse, phosphorus
PA - physician assistant
PAC - pulmonary artery catheter
PACU - post anesthesia care unit
PAD - public access defibrillation, peripheral artery disease
PAF - platelet activating factor, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Pap smear - papanicolaou smear
PASRR - preadmission screening and resident review
PCA - patient controlled analgesia
PCI - percutaneous coronary intervention
PCM - primary care manager, protein k-calorie malnutrition
PCO2 - partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PCP - primary care provider
PCR - polymerase chain reaction
PCT - patient care technician, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
PE - pulmonary embolism
PED - pediatric, pedestrian
PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PERRLA - pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
PET scan - positron emission tomography scan
PFT - pulmonary function test
PH - potential of hydrogen
PHI - protected health information
PICC - peripherally inserted central catheter
PIK3CA - phosphatidylinositol-4, 5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha
PIP - proximal interphalangeal (finger joint)
PIV - peripheral intravenous
PLIF - posterior lumbar interbody fusion
PLOF - prior level of function
PLT - platelets
PMH - past medical history
PMI - point of maximal impulse
PMHX - patient medical history
PN - parenteral nutrition
PNA - pneumonia
PNC - penicillin
PND - paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
Pneumo - pneumothorax
PNS - peripheral nervous system
PO - by mouth
PO2 - partial pressure of oxygen
POA - present on admission
POC - point of care
POD - post operative days
POLST - physician's order for life sustaining treatment
POM - patient's own medication
POMR - problem-oriented medical record
Pos - positive
Post op - post operative
PPB - pleuropulmonary blastoma
PPD - purified protein derivative
PPE - personal protective equipment
PPH - postpartum hemorrhage
PPS - prospective payment system
PPX - prophylaxis
PR - pulse rate, pulmonary rehabilitation
PRBC - packed red blood cells
Prec - precautions
PRN - as needed
PROM - passive range-of-motion exercises
PSBO - partial small bowel obstruction
PSCU - presurgical care unit
PSH - past surgical history
PSRO - professional standards review organization
PT - patient, physical therapy, prothrombin time, pint
PTAC - pharmacology and therapeutics advisory committee
PTBD - percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
PTC - percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram
PTH - parathyroid hormone
PTT - partial thromboplastin time
PTX - pneumothorax
PUD - peptic ulcer disease
Pulm - pulmonary
PVD - peripheral vascular disease
PVWM - periventricular white matter
Q - every
Q4H - every four hours
QAM - every morning
QPM - every night
QT - quart
R - right, respirations
RA - room air, right arm, rheumatoid arthritis
RAC - right antecubital
RBBB - right bundle branch block
RBC - red blood cell
RCA - right coronary artery
RCC - renal cell carcinoma
RDW - red cell distribution width
Ref - refused, reference
Reg - regular
Rehab - rehabilitation
REM sleep - rapid eye movement sleep
Resp - respirations, respiratory
Ret - retention
RF - rheumatoid factor
RFA - right forearm
Rhabdo - rhabdomyolysis
RIJ - right internal jugular
RLE - right lower extremity
RLL - right lower lobe
RLS - restless leg syndrome
RML - right middle lobe
RN - registered nurse
ROC - receiver operating characteristic
ROM - range of motion
ROS - review of systems
ROSC - return of spontaneous circulation
RPR - rapid plasma reagin
RR - respiratory rate
RRR - regular rate and rhythm
RRT - rapid response team
RUA - right upper arm
RUG - resource utilization group
RUL - right upper lobe
RV - residual volume, right ventricle
RVR - rapid ventricular rate/response
RVSP - right ventricular systolic pressure
RWMA - regional wall motion abnormalities
RX - to take, prescription
S - second
SAH - subarachnoid hemorrhage
SAMPLE - signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, past medical history, last meal, events
SA node - sinoatrial node
SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome
Sat - saturation
SBAR - situation background assessment recommendation
SBFT - small bowel follow through
SBIRT - screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment
SBO - small bowel obstruction
SBP - systolic blood pressure
SBS - small bowel series
SCD - sequential compression device
Schizo - schizophrenia
SCI - spinal cord injury
SCLC - small cell lung cancer
SDH - subdural hematoma
SDS - safety data sheets
SE - standard error, side effect
Sec - second
Sed - sedimentation
SFA - superficial femoral artery
SI - sacroiliac
SIADH - syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
SIRS - systemic inflammatory response syndrome
SJS - Stevens Johnson syndrome
SL - sublingual
SNF - skilled nursing facility
SOAP note - subjective and objective data, analysis, and planning note
SOB - shortness of breath
SP - status post
SPECT - single photon emission tomography
SPO2 - peripheral capillary oxygen saturation
SSH - society for simulation in healthcare
SSI - sliding scale insulin, surgical site infections
SSS - sick sinus syndrome
ST - stage
STAT - immediately
STD - sexually transmitted disease
STEMI - ST elevation myocardial infarction
STI - sexually transmitted infection
STR - short term rehab
STSG - split thickness skin graft
SUBQ - subcutaneous
SUD - substance use disorder
Surg - surgery
SUV - standardized uptake value
SV - stroke volume
SVC - superior vena cava
SW - social worker
T - temperature, ton
T2DM - type two diabetes mellitus
Tab - tablet
Tachy - tachycardia
TAVI - transcatheter aortic valve implantation
TAVR - transcatheter aortic valve replacement
TB - tuberculosis
TBI - traumatic brain injury
TBSP - tablespoon
TEE - transesophageal echocardiography
Tele - telemetry
Temp - temperature
TENS - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TF - transfer factor, tube feeding
THA - total hip arthroplasty
THC - tetrahydrocannabinol
TIA - transient ischemic attack
Tib - tibula
TIBC - total iron binding capacity
TICU - trauma intensive care unit
TKA - total knee arthroplasty
TLC - triple lumen catheter
TLIF - transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
TLSO brace - thoracolumbosacral orthosis brace
TMA - transmetatarsal amputation
TNBC - triple negative breast cancer
Tol - tolerate
TPH - theophylline
TR - tricuspid regurgitation
Trans - transfusion, transfer, transsexual
TRICU - trauma intensive care unit
TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone
TSP - teaspoon
TTE - transthoracic echocardiogram
TTP - tender to palpation, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
TTS - tuesday thursday saturday
TTWB - toe touch weight bearing
TX - treatment
TURB - transurethral resection of the bladder
TURP - transurethral resection of the prostate
TV - tidal volume
TWI - t wave inversion
U - unit
UA - urinalysis
UAP - unlicensed assistive personnel
UC - urine culture
UDS - urine drug screen
UE - upper extremity
UGIB - upper gastrointestinal bleed
Unc - uncollected
Unk - unknown
Unv - unverified
UO - urine output
UOP - urinary output
UR - utilization review
URI - upper respiratory infection
URR - urea reduction ratio
US - ultrasound
USP - United States Pharmacopeia
UTD - up to date
UTI - urinary tract infection
VAX - vaccination
Ventric - ventriculostomy
Ver - verify, version
V fib - ventricular fibrillation
VIP - very important person
Vit - vitamin
VQ scan - ventilation perfusion scan
VRE - vancomycin resistant enterococci
VS - vital signs
VSS - vital signs stable
VTE - venous thromboembolism
W - with
W/C - wheelchair
W/O - without
W/U - workup
WB - weight bearing
WBAT - weight bearing as tolerated
WBC - white blood cell
WCC - wound care center/certified, white cell count
WK - week
WNL - within normal limits
WT - weight
X - times
XLIF - extreme lateral interbody fusion
XRT - radiotherapy
Y/O - years old
YD - yard
YR - year
Medical References for Caregivers
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