Compression Devices For Lower Leg Edema

by Laura Hess
(Colorado Springs, Colorado )

Hi there! My name's Laura Hess. I live with my Dad, Robert Hess, and he has Type 2 Diabetes (which is pretty stable) and severe Edema in his lower legs. It's so swollen that on the shin of his right leg there's fluid "weeping" through the skin. His doctor knows and says he needs to have compression wraps/socks, whatever. I wanted to see if you have any suggestions for certain products that may be more effective than others. I like those Sequential Compression Devices, but I don't know much about them (I only know of them because I've had them on when I had to be in the hospital myself). Anyway, any help, suggestions, or advice would be Greatly appreciated. Thank you very, very much for your help in advance!

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Dec 13, 2015
I aplogize for the delayed reply
by: Derek

I have been very busy with nursing school and haven't done anything with my site for about a year. It's hard to recommend any specific brand but I know when it comes to SCDs, most models work similarly, at least the ones I've dealt with in the hospital setting. You can buy them fairly cheap if you find them used online. Another option, which sounds like what your doctor was recommending, is ted stockings. These don't require a machine but instead are worn like long socks. I actually have a page on them here: Hope this helps and again, I'm sorry for the delayed response.

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