Applying Barrier Cream - Caregiver Guide
You state you apply thickly. The standards have changed since adult diapers & pull ups have improved so much.
It is best to apply a thin layer to the skin, gently rubbing it in. If the cream or ointment is applied thickly, it will, indeed, rub off on the diaper, rendering the diaper useless because urine cannot get through the thick cream/ointment. Please check with your suppliers for more information.
Our adult diapers/pull-ups supplier has come in and given inservices along with a great demonstration. She used our barrier cream, put a thin coating on the adult diaper, then poured water in the diaper. The water did not soak through, rather, it spilled over onto the towel on the table. Just a quick educational opportunity that can be a fun experiment.
Thank you so much, Nancy Greschel
Comments for Hospice QAPI Director, MSN, BSN, RN
Feb 15, 25 10:27 AM
Jan 28, 25 09:15 AM
Nov 26, 24 11:56 AM