This is a list of medical prefixes and suffixes. They are of Latin and Greek origin. If you are like me, medical terminology is often very confusing and complicated. Hopefully this list will help break down and simplify things.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Pin
Prefix / Suffix |
a-, an- |
denotes an absence of |
apathy, analgia |
ab- |
away from |
abduction |
abdomin(o)- |
of or relating to the abdomen |
abdomen, abdominal |
-ac, -acal |
pertaining to |
cardiac, hydrophobiac |
acanth(o)- |
thorn or spine |
acanthion, acanthocyte |
acous(io)- |
of or relating to hearing |
acoumeter, acoustician |
acr(o)- |
extremity, topmost |
acrocrany, acromegaly |
-acusis |
hearing |
paracusis |
-ad |
toward, in the direction of |
dorsad |
aden(o)-, aden(i)- |
of or relating to a gland |
adenocarcinoma, adenology |
adip(o)- |
of or relating to fat or fatty tissue |
adipose, adipocyte |
adren(o)- |
of or relating to adrenal glands |
adrenal artery |
-aemia |
blood condition |
anaemia |
aer(o)- |
air, gas |
aerosinusitis |
aesthesio- |
sensation |
anesthesia |
-al |
pertaining to |
abdominal |
alb- |
denoting a white or pale color |
albino |
alge(si)- |
pain |
analgesic |
-algia |
pain |
myalgia |
allo- |
denoting something as different, or as an addition |
alloantigen, allopathy |
ambi- |
denoting something as positioned on both sides, describing both of two |
ambidextrous |
amnio- |
pertaining to the membranous fetal sac (amnion) |
amniocentesis |
amph-, amphi- |
on both sides |
amphicrania, amphomycin |
an- |
not, without |
analgesia |
ana- |
back, again, up |
anaplasia |
an(o)- |
anus |
anogenital |
andr(o)- |
pertaining to a man |
andrology, android |
angi(o)- |
blood vessel |
angiogram |
aniso- |
describing something as unequal |
anisotropic, anisocytosis |
ankyl(o)-, ancyl(o)- |
denoting something as crooked or bent |
ankylosis |
ante- |
describing something as positioned in front of another thing |
antepartum |
anti- |
describing something as "against" or "opposed to" another |
antibody, antipsychotic |
apo- |
separated from, derived from |
apoptosis |
arch(i,e,o)- |
first, primitive |
archinephron |
arteri(o)- |
of or pertaining to an artery |
artery, arteriole |
arthr(o)- |
of or pertaining to the joints, limbs |
arthritis |
articul(o)- |
joint |
articulation |
-ary |
pertaining to |
biliary tract |
-ase |
enzyme |
lactase, peroxidase |
-asthenia |
weakness |
myasthenia gravis |
atel(o)- |
imperfect or incomplete development |
atelocardia |
-ation |
process |
ambulation |
atri(o)- |
an atrium |
atrioventricular |
aur(i)- |
of or pertaining to the ear |
aural |
aut(o)- |
self |
autoimmune |
aux(o)- |
increase, growth |
auxocardia |
axill- |
of or pertaining to the armpit |
axilla, axillary |
azo(to)- |
nitrogenous compound |
azothermia |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
balano- |
of the glans penis or glans clitoridis |
balantis |
bi- |
twice, double |
biphasic, bigeminy |
bio- |
life |
biology |
blast(o)- |
germ or bud |
blastomere, blastocyst |
blephar(o)- |
of or pertaining to the eyelid |
blepharoplast |
brachi(o)- |
of or relating to the arm |
brachium, brachial |
brachy- |
indicating "short or less commonly "little" |
brachycephalic, brachytherapy |
brady- |
slow |
bradycardia |
bronch(i)- |
bronchus |
bronchiolitis, bronchitis |
bucc(o)- |
of or pertaining to the cheek |
buccolabial, buccal |
burs(o)- |
bursa (fluid sac between the bones) |
bursitis |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
capill- |
of or pertaining to the hair |
capillus |
capit- |
pertaining to the head |
capitation |
carcin(o)- |
cancer |
carcinoma |
cardi(o)- |
of or pertaining to the heart |
cardiology |
carp(o)- |
of or pertaining to the wrist |
carpopedal, carpal |
cata- |
down, under |
cataract |
-cele |
pouching, hernia |
hydrocele |
-centesis |
surgical puncture for aspiration |
amniocentesis |
cephal(o)- |
of or pertaining to the head |
cephalgy |
cerat(o)- |
of or pertaining to the cornu, a horn |
ceratoid |
cerebell(o)- |
of or pertaining to the cerebellum |
cerebellum |
cerebr(o)- |
of or pertaining to the brain |
cerebrology, cerebrum |
cervic- |
of or pertaining to the neck, the cervix |
cervicodorsal |
chem(o)- |
chemistry, drug |
chemotherapy |
chir(o)-, cheir(o)- |
of or pertaining to the hand |
chiropractor |
chlor(o)- |
denoting a green color |
chlorophyll |
chol(e)- |
of or pertaining to bile |
cholaemia |
cholecyst(o)- |
of or pertaining to the gallbladder |
cholecystectomy |
chondr(i)o- |
cartilage, gristle, granule, granular |
chondrocalcinosis |
chrom(ato)- |
color |
hemachromatosis |
-cidal, -cide |
killing, destroying |
bacteriocidal |
cili- |
of or pertaining to the cilia, the eyelashes, eyelids |
ciliary |
circum- |
denoting something as "around" another |
circumcision |
cis- |
on this side |
cistern |
-clast |
break |
osteoclast |
co- |
with, together, in association |
comorbidity |
col-, colo-, colono- |
colon |
colonoscopy |
colp(o)- |
of or pertaining to the vagina |
colposcopy |
com- |
with, together |
communicate |
contra |
against |
contraindicate |
cor- |
with, together |
corporal |
cor-, core-, coro- |
of or pertaining to eye's pupil |
corectomy |
cordi- |
of or pertaining to the heart |
commotio cordis |
cornu- |
applied to processes and parts of the body describing them likened or similar to horns |
cornual pregnancy |
cost(o)- |
of or pertaining to the ribs |
costochondral |
cox- |
of or relating to the hip, haunch, or hip joint |
coxopodite |
crani(o)- |
belonging or relating to the cranium |
craniology |
-crine |
to secrete |
endocrine |
cry(o)- |
cold |
cryoablation, cryotherapy |
cutane- |
skin |
subcutaneous |
cyan(o)- |
denotes a blue color |
cyanopsia, cyanobacteria |
cycl- |
circle, cycle |
cyclobenzaprine |
cyph(o)- |
denotes something as bent |
cyphosis |
cyst(o, i)- |
of or pertaining to the urinary bladder |
cystotomy, cystoscopy |
cyt(o)- |
cell |
cytokine |
-cyte |
cell |
leukocyte |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
dacryo- |
tear |
dacryocystitis |
dactyl(o)- |
of or pertaining to a finger, toe |
dactylology |
de- |
away from, cessation |
desensitization |
dent- |
of or pertaining to teeth |
dentist |
dermat(o)-, derm(o)- |
of or pertaining to the skin |
dermatology |
-desis |
binding |
arthrodesis |
dextr(o)- |
right, on the right side |
dextrocardia |
di- |
two |
dioxide |
dia- |
across |
diacetyl |
dif- |
apart, separation |
differential |
digit- |
of or pertaining to the finger |
digit |
dis- |
separation, taking apart |
dissection |
dors(o, i)- |
of or pertaining to the back |
dorsal, dorsiflexion |
duodeno- |
duodenum, twelve: upper part of the small intestine, connects to the stomach |
duodenal atresia |
dynam(o)- |
force, energy, power |
dynamic |
-dynia |
pain |
vulvodynia |
dys- |
bad, difficult |
dysphagia, dysphasia |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
-eal |
pertaining to |
peritoneal |
ec- |
out, away |
eccentric |
ect(o)- |
outer, outside |
ectopic pregnancy |
-ectasis |
expansion, dilation |
bronchiectasis |
-ectomy |
denotes a surgical operation or removal of a body part; resection, excision |
mastectomy |
-emesis |
vomiting condition |
hematemesis |
-emia |
blood condition |
anemia |
encephal(o)- |
of or pertaining to the brain |
encephalogram |
endo- |
denotes something as "inside" or "within" |
endocrinology, endospore |
enter(o)- |
of or pertaining to the intestine |
gastroenterology |
epi- |
on, upon |
epistaxis, epicardium, epidural |
episi(o)- |
of or pertaining to the pubic region, the loins |
episiotomy |
erythr(o)- |
denotes a red color |
erythrocyte |
esophageal, -esophago |
of or pertaining to the esophagus |
esophageal plexus |
esthesio- |
sensation |
esthesioneuroblastoma |
eu- |
true, good, well, new |
eukaryote |
ex- |
out of, away from |
external |
exo- |
denotes something as "outside" another |
exoskeleton |
extra- |
outside |
extravasation |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
faci(o)- |
of or pertaining to the face |
facioplegic |
fibr(o)- |
fiber |
fibroblast |
fil(a, i)- |
fine, hair like |
filament |
-form, -iform |
use to form adjectives indicating "having the form of" |
cuneiform |
fossa |
small cavity or depression |
fossa ovalis |
front- |
of or pertaining to the forehead |
frontonasal |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
galact(o)- |
milk |
galactorrhea |
gastr(o)- |
of or pertaining to the stomach |
gastric bypass |
-gen |
denotes the sense "born in, from" or "of a certain kind" |
endogen, heterogenous |
-genic |
formative, pertaining to producing |
cardiogenic shock |
genu- |
of or pertaining to the knee |
genu valgum |
gingiv- |
of or pertaining to the gums |
gingivitis |
glauc(o)- |
denoting a grey, bluish-grey color |
glaucoma |
gloss(o)-, glott(o)- |
of or pertaining to the tongue |
glossology, epiglottis |
gluco- |
glucose |
glucocorticoid |
glyco- |
sugar |
glycolysis |
gnath(o)- |
of or pertaining to the jaw |
gnathodynamometer |
-gnosis |
knowledge |
diagnosis, prognosis |
gon(o)- |
seed, semen, reproductive |
gonorrhea |
-gram |
record or picture |
angiogram |
-graph |
record or picture |
electrocardiograph |
-graphy |
process of recording |
angiography |
gyn(aec)o-, gyn(ec)o- |
woman |
gynecomastia |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
halluc- |
to wander in mind |
hallucinosis, hallucinogenic |
hemat-, haemato- |
of or pertaining to blood |
hematology |
hema or hemo- |
blood |
hematological malignancy |
hemi- |
one-half |
cerebral hemisphere |
hepat-, hepatic- |
of or pertaining to the liver |
hepatology, hepatitis |
heter(o)- |
denotes something as "the other" (of two), as an addition, or different |
heterogeneous, heterosexual |
hidr(o)- |
sweat |
hyperhidrosis |
hist(o)-, histio- |
tissue |
histology |
home(o)- |
similar |
homeopathy |
hom(o)- |
denotes something as "the same" as another or common |
homosexuality |
humer(o)- |
of or pertaining to the shoulder |
humerus |
hydr(o)- |
water |
hydrophobe |
hyper- |
denotes something as "extreme" or "beyond normal" |
hypertension, hyperplasia |
hyp(o)- |
denotes something as "below normal" |
hypovolemia, hypotension |
hyster(o)- |
of or pertaining to the womb, the uterus |
hysterectomy |
Prefixes / Suffixes |
Meaning | |
-iasis |
condition |
mydriasis |
iatr(o)- |
of or pertaining to medicine, or a physician |
iatrochemistry |
-iatry |
denotes a field in medicine of a certain body component |
podiatry, psychiatry |
-ic |
pertaining to |
hepatic |
-icle |
small |
follicle |
-ics |
organized knowledge, treatment |
acoustics |
idio- |
self, one's own |
idiopathic |
ileo- |
ileum |
ileocecal valve |
infra- |
below |
infrahyoid muscles |
inter- |
between, among |
interarticular |
intra- |
within |
intracranial |
irid(o)- |
iris |
iridectomy |
ischio- |
of or pertaining to the ischium, the hip joint |
ischiorrhogic |
-ism |
condition, disease |
dwarfism |
-ismus |
spasm, contraction |
strabismus |
iso- |
denoting something as being "equal" |
isotonic |
-ist |
one who specializes in |
pathologist, oncologist |
-ite |
the nature of, resembling |
hermaphrodite |
-itis |
inflammation |
tonsilitis |
-ium |
structure, tissue |
pericardium |
isch- |
restriction |
ischemia |
Prefixes / Suffixes |
Meaning |
Examples |
karyo- |
nucleus |
eukaryote |
kerat(o)- |
cornea (eye or skin) |
keratoscope |
kin(e, o), kinesi(o)- |
movement |
kinesthesia |
koil(o)- |
hollow |
koilocyte |
kyph(o)- |
humped |
kyphoscoliosis, kyphosis |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
labi(o)- |
of or pertaining to the lip |
labiodental |
lacrim(o)- |
tear |
lacrimal canaliculi |
lact(i, o)- |
milk |
lactation |
lapar(o)- |
of or pertaining to the abdomen wall, flank |
laparotomy |
laryng(o)- |
of or pertaining to the larynx, the lower throat cavity where the voice box is |
larynx |
latero- |
lateral |
lateralis |
lei(o)- |
smooth |
leiomyoma |
-lepsis, -lepsy |
attack, seizure |
epilepsy, narcolepsy |
lept(o)- |
light, slender |
leptocephalus |
leuc(o)-, leuk(o)- |
denoting a white color |
leukocyte |
lingu(a)-, lingu(o)- |
of or pertaining to the tongue |
linguistics |
lip(o)- |
fat |
liposuction |
lith(o)- |
stone, calculus |
lithotripsy |
log(o)- |
speech |
logophobia |
-logist |
denotes someone who studies a certain field |
oncologist, pathologist |
-logy |
denotes the academic study or practice of a certain field |
hematology, psychology |
lymph(o)- |
lymph |
lymphedema |
lys(o)-, -lytic |
dissolution |
lysosome |
-lysis |
destruction, separation |
paralysis |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
macr(o)- |
large, long |
macrophage |
-malacia |
softening |
osteomalacia |
mamm(o)- |
of or pertaining to the breast |
mammogram |
mammill(o)- |
of or pertaining to the nipple |
mammillothalamic |
manu- |
of or pertaining to the hand |
manufacture |
mast(o)- |
of or pertaining to the breast |
mastectomy |
meg(a)-, megal(o)-, -megaly |
enlargement |
splenomegaly |
melan(o)- |
black color |
melanin |
mening(o)- |
membrane |
meningitis |
mero- |
part |
merocrine, meroblastic |
mes(o)- |
middle |
mesoderm |
meta- |
after, behind |
metacarpus |
-meter |
measurement |
sphygmomanometer |
-metry |
process of measuring |
optometry |
metr(o)- |
pertaining to conditions or instruments of the uterus |
metrorrhagia |
micro- |
denoting something as small, or relating to smallness |
microscope |
mon(o)- |
single |
mononucleosis |
morph(o)- |
form, shape |
morphology |
muscul(o)- |
muscle |
musculoskeletal |
my(o)- |
of or relating to the muscle |
myoblast |
myc(o)- |
fungus |
onychomycosis |
myel(o)- |
of or relating to bone marrow |
myeloblast |
myring(o)- |
eardrum |
myringotomy |
myx(o)- |
mucus |
myxoma |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
narc(o)- |
numb, sleep |
narcolepsy |
nas(o)- |
of or pertaining to the nose |
nasal |
necr(o)- |
death |
necrotizing fasciitis |
neo- |
new |
neoplasm |
nephr(o)- |
of or pertaining to the kidney |
nephrology |
nerv- |
of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system |
nerve |
neur(i, o)- |
of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system |
neurofibromatosis |
normo- |
normal |
normocapnia |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
ocul(o)- |
of or pertaining to the eye |
oculist |
odont(o) |
of or pertaining to teeth |
orthodontist |
odyn(o)- |
pain |
stomatodynia |
-oesophageal, oesophago- |
gullet (passage of food from mouth to stomach) |
oesophagostomum |
-oid |
resemblance to |
sarcoidosis |
-ole |
small or little |
arteriole |
olig(o)- |
denoting something as "having little or few" |
oligotrophy |
om(o)- |
of or pertaining to the shoulder |
omoplate |
-oma, -omata |
tumor, mass, collection |
sarcoma, teratoma |
omphal(o)- |
of or pertaining to the navel or umbilicus |
omphalotomy |
onco- |
tumor, bulk, volume |
oncology |
onych(o)- |
of or pertaining to the nail of a finger or toe |
onychophagy |
oo- |
of or pertaining to an egg, the ovum |
oogenesis |
oophor(o)- |
of or pertaining to the woman's ovary |
oophorectomy |
ophthalm(o)- |
of or pertaining to the eye |
ophthalmology |
optic(o)- |
of or relating to chemical properties of the eye |
opticochemical |
or(o)- |
of or pertaining to the mouth |
oral |
orchi(o)-, orchido- |
testis |
orchiectomy, orchidectomy |
orth(o)- |
denoting something as straight or correct |
orthodontist |
-osis |
a condition, disease, or increase |
psychosis, osteoporosis |
osseo- |
bony |
osseous |
ossi- |
bone |
ossification |
ost(e)-, oste(o)- |
bone |
osteoporosis |
ot(o)- |
of or pertaining to the ear |
otopathy |
-ous |
pertaining to |
contageous |
ovari(o)- |
of or pertaining to the ovaries |
ovariectomy |
ov(i, o)- |
of or pertaining to the eggs, the ovum |
ovogenesis |
oxo- |
addition of oxygen |
oxocomplex |
oxy- |
sharp, acid, acute |
oxygen |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
pachy- |
thick |
pachyderma |
palpebr- |
of or pertaining to the eyelid |
palpebra |
pan-, pant(o)- |
denoting something as "complete" or containing "everything" |
panophobia, panopticon |
papill- |
of or pertaining to the nipple |
papillitis |
papul(o)- |
indicates papulosity, a small elevation or swelling in the skin, a pimple, swelling |
papulation |
para- |
alongside of, abnormal |
paraplegic |
-paresis |
slight paralysis |
hemiparesis |
parvo- |
small |
parovirus |
path(o)- |
disease |
pathology |
-pathy |
denotes a disease, or disorder |
sociopathy, neuropathy |
ped-, -ped-, -pes |
of or pertaining to the foot |
pedoscope, pedal |
pelv(i, o)- |
hip bone |
pelvis |
-penia |
deficiency |
osteopenia, pancytopenia |
peo- |
of or pertaining to the penis |
peotomy |
-pepsia |
denotes something relating to digestion or the digestive tract |
dyspepsia |
per- |
through |
percutaneous |
peri- |
position "surrounding" or "around" another |
periodontal |
-pexy |
fixation |
nephropexy |
phaco- |
lens shaped |
phacolysis, phacometer |
-phage, -phagia |
conditions relating to eating or ingestion |
sarcophagia, dysphagia |
phago- |
eating, devouring |
phacocyte, phagocytosis |
phagist- |
a person who "feeds on" something |
lotophagi |
-phagy |
"feeding on" something |
anthropophagy |
phallo- |
phallus (penis) |
aphallia |
pharmaco- |
drug, medication |
pharmacology |
pharyng(o)- |
of or pertaining to the pharynx, the upper throat cavity |
pharyngitis, pharyngoscopy |
-phil(ia) |
attraction for |
hemophilia |
phleb(o)- |
of or pertaining to the veins |
phlebography, phlebotomy |
phob(o)- |
exaggerated fear, sensitivity |
arachnophobia, agoraphobia |
phon(o)- |
sound |
phonotation |
phos- |
chemical properties |
phosphene |
phot(o)- |
of or pertaining to light |
photopathy, photophobia |
phren(i, o)-, phrenico |
diaphragm, the mind |
phrenic nerve, schizophrenia |
-plasia |
formation, development |
achondroplasia, dysplasia |
-plasty |
surgical repair, reconstruction |
rhinoplasty, arthroplasty |
-plegia |
paralysis |
paraplegia |
pleio- |
more, excessive, multiple |
pleiomorphism |
pleur(a, o)- |
of or pertaining to the ribs |
pleurogenous, pleurisy |
-plexy |
stroke or seizure |
cataplexy |
pneum(o)- |
of or pertaining to the lungs |
pneumonia, pneumonocyte |
pneumat(o)- |
air, lung |
pneumatosis |
pod-, -pus |
of or pertaining to the foot |
podiatry |
-poiesis |
production |
hematopoiesis |
polio- |
denoting a grey color |
poliomyelitis |
poly- |
denotes a "plurality" of something |
polymyositis |
por(o)- |
pore, porous |
porosity |
porphyr(o)- |
denotes a purple color |
porphyroblast |
post- |
denotes something as "after" or "behind" another |
postoperation, postmortem |
pre- |
denotes something as "before" another |
prematurity, prehypertension |
presby(o)- |
old age |
presbyopia |
prim- |
denotes something as "first" or "most important" |
primary |
pro- |
denotes something as before another |
procephalic, prototype |
proct(o)- |
anus, rectum |
proctology |
prot(o)- |
denotes something as "first" or "most important" |
protoneuron |
pseudo- |
denotes something false or fake |
pseudomonas |
psych(e, o)- |
of or pertaining to the mind |
psychology, psychiatry |
-ptosis |
falling, drooping, downward placement, prolapse |
apoptosis |
-ptysis |
spitting |
hemoptysis |
pulmo(n)- |
of or relating to the lungs |
pulmonary |
pyel(o)- |
pelvis |
pyelonephritis |
pyo- |
pus |
pyometra |
pyro- |
fever |
antipyretic |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
quadr(i)- |
four |
quadriceps, quadriplegic |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
radio- |
radiation |
radiowave, radiology |
re- |
again, backward |
relapse |
rect(o)- |
rectum |
rectal |
ren(o)- |
of or pertaining to the kidney |
renal |
reticul(o)- |
small net, dim |
reticulocyte |
retro- |
backward, behind |
retroverted |
rhabd(o)- |
rod shaped, striated |
rhabdomyolysis |
rhachi(o) |
spine |
rachial, rachialgia |
rhin(o)- |
of or pertaining to the nose |
rhinoplasty, rhinoceros |
rhod(o)- |
denoting a rose-red color |
rhodophyte |
-rrhage |
bust forth |
hemorrhage |
-rrhagia |
rapid flow of blood |
bronchorrhagia |
-rrhaphy |
surgical suturing |
gastrorrhaphy |
-rrhea |
flowing, discharge |
diarrhea, galactorrhea |
-rrhexis |
rupture |
enterorrhexis |
-rrhoea |
flowing, discharge |
diarrhoea |
rubr(o)- |
of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain |
rubrospinal |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
salping(o)- |
of or pertaining to the fallopian tubes |
salpingectomy, salpingopharyngeus muscle |
sangui-, sanguine- |
of or pertaining to blood |
sanguine |
sarco- |
muscular, fleshlike |
sarcoma |
schist(o)- |
split, cleft |
schistosoma |
schiz(o)- |
denoting something "split" or "double sided" |
schizophrenia |
scler(o)- |
hardness |
multiple sclerosis |
-sclerosis |
hardening of the skin |
atherosclerosis |
scoli(o)- |
twisted |
scholiosis |
-scope |
instrument for viewing |
stethoscope |
-scopy |
use of instrument for viewing |
endoscopy, colonoscopy |
semi- |
one half, partly |
semicoma, semisupination |
sial(o)- |
saliva, salivary gland |
sialagogue |
sigmoid(o)- |
sigmoid, sigmoid colon |
sigmoidectomy |
sinistr(o)- |
left, left side |
sinistrophobia |
sinus- |
of or pertaining to the sinus |
sinusitis |
sito- |
food, grain |
sitomania, sitotherapy |
somat(o)-, somatico- |
body, bodily |
somatotropic cell |
spasmo- |
spasm |
spasmodic, spasmolytic |
sperm(a, o)-, spermato- |
semen |
spermatogenesis, spermatozoa |
splanchn(i, o)- |
viscera |
splanchnic, splanchnocranium |
splen(o)- |
spleen |
splenectomy |
spondyl(o)- |
of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra |
spondylitis |
squamos(o)- |
denoting something as "full of scales" or "scaly" |
squama, squamous cell |
-stasis |
stop, stand |
homeostasis |
-staxis |
dripping, trickling |
epistaxis |
sten(o)- |
"narrow in shape" or pertaining to narrowness |
stenography |
steth(o)- |
of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest, the area above the breast and under the neck |
stethoscope |
stheno- |
strength, force, power |
sthenolagnia |
stom(a)- |
mouth |
stomatognathic system |
stomat(o)- |
of or pertaining to the mouth |
stomatogastric |
-stomy |
creation of an opening |
colostomy, ileostomy |
sub- |
beneath |
subcutaneous tissue, subacute |
super- |
in excess, above, superior |
superior vena cava |
supra- |
above, excessive |
supraorbital vein |
sy(l, m, n, s)- |
indicates similarity, likeness, or being together |
synalgia, synesthesia, syssarcosis |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
tachy- |
denoting something as fast, irregularly fast |
tachycardia |
-tension, -tensive |
pressure |
hypertension |
tetan- |
rigid, tense |
tetanus |
thec- |
case, sheath |
intrathecal |
thel(e, o)- |
of or pertaining to a nipple |
theleplasty |
thely- |
denoting something as "relating to a woman, feminine" |
thelygenous |
therm(o)- |
heat |
thermometer |
thorac(i, o)-, thoracico- |
of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest, the area above the breast and under the neck |
thorax |
thromb(o)- |
of or relating to a blood clot, clotting of blood |
thrombus, thrombocytopenia |
thyr(o)- |
thyroid |
thyroidectomy |
thym(o, ia)- |
emotions |
dysthymia |
-tic |
pertaining to |
hematotic, neurotic |
toco- |
childbirth |
tocolytics |
-tome |
cutting instrument |
labiotome, neurotome |
-tomy |
act of cutting, incising, incision |
gastrotomy |
tono- |
tone, tension, pressure |
tonometer |
-tony |
tension |
monotony |
top(o)- |
place, topical |
topography, topology |
tox(i, o)-, toxico- |
toxin, poison |
toxoplasmosis |
trache(o)- |
trachea |
tracheostomy, tracheostenosis |
trachel(o)- |
of or pertaining to the neck |
tracheotomy |
trans- |
denoting something as moving or situated "across" or "through" |
transfusion, transition |
trich(i, o)-, trichia- |
of or pertaining to hair, hairlike structure |
trichocyst |
-tripsy |
crushing |
lithotripsy |
-trophy |
nourishment, development |
pseudohypertrophy |
tympan(o)- |
eardrum |
tympanocentesis, tympanic |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
-ula, -ule |
small |
nodule |
ultra- |
beyond, excessive |
ultrasound |
umbilic- |
of or pertaining to the navel, the umbilicus |
umbilical |
ungui- |
of or pertaining to the nail, a claw |
unguiform, ungual |
un(i)- |
one |
unilateral, universal |
ur(o)- |
of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system, chemistry of urine |
urology, urosepsis |
uri(c)-, urico- |
uric acid |
uricosuria |
urin- |
of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system |
uriniferous |
uter(o)- |
of or pertaining to the uterus or womb |
uterus |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
vagin- |
of or pertaining to the vagina |
vaginal |
varic(o)- |
swollen or twisted vein |
varicose |
vas(o)- |
duct, blood vessel |
vasoconstriction |
vasculo- |
blood vessel |
vasculopathy |
ven- |
of or pertaining to tblood veins, a vein |
venospasm |
ventr(o)- |
of or pertaining to the belly, the stomach cavities |
ventrodorsal, ventrogluteal |
vesic(o)- |
of or pertaining to the bladder |
vesica, vesicoureteral |
viscer(o)- |
of or pertaining to the internal organs, the viscera |
viscerogenic, visceromegaly |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
xanth(o)- |
denoting a yellow color, an abnormally yellow color |
xanthopathy |
xen(o)- |
foreign, different |
xenograft |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
-y |
condition or process of |
surgery, rumbly |
Prefix / Suffix |
Meaning |
Examples |
zo(o)- |
animal, animal life |
zoology |
zym(o)- |
fermentation, enzyme |
zymogen |
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