Mental Health and Support Articles

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A Student's Guide to Maintaining Mental Health - As a student, between your schoolwork, social life, romantic life, family commitments, part-time jobs, and hobbies, it can seem almost impossible to maintain your health and mental well-being. Thank you Elena Stefan for contributing this article.

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How Volunteering Can Benefit Your Own Wellbeing - We all know volunteering greatly benefits the wellbeing of other people, but have you ever thought about how volunteering can benefit you as a volunteer? There are many unexpected benefits of volunteering that perhaps you’ve never thought about. Thank you Elena Stefan for contributing this article.

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Caring for a Drug Addict: Things You Should Never Do - Last year, around 49 million Americans – aged 12 and above – had to battle substance use disorders. Only those who had the mammoth task of caring for them know how it truly feels to cater to someone dealing with addiction. Thank you Danielle Ferguson for contributing this article.

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Depression and Grief: How to Help a Partner Who’s Lost a Parent - Losing a loved one is always a difficult experience, but the death of a parent can be particularly devastating. The bond between parent and child is unique, and when a parent passes, the loss can take a major toll on anyone’s mental state. Thank you Zyana Morris for contributing this article.

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4 De-Escalation Strategies for Caregivers Dealing with Challenging Behavior - The profession of a caregiver requires a lot more than just performing the usual tasks. It requires more personal qualities like patience, communication, and empathy. Thank you Elena Stefan for contributing this article.

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Managing Long Work Trips While Caring for Aging Parents with Mental Health Issues - Managing a demanding work schedule alongside the responsibility of caring for aging parents with mental health issues is a formidable challenge.

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How to Provide Comfort to a Single Parent Grieving the Loss of Their Partner - Supporting a single parent through the loss of their partner is both a compassionate and delicate task. The blend of grief and responsibilities can be overwhelming.

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How to Help a Loved One Struggling with Depression - Depression. It’s astoundingly common in the US. According to Mental Health America, major depression affects as many as 21 million American adults each year. Thank you Elena Stefan for contributing this article.

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7 Ways Your Mental Health Affects Your Skin - The intricate connection between mental health and skin health is a subject of increasing interest within the medical community. Psychological well-being is now recognized as a significant factor influencing various skin conditions. Thank you Neha Rohan for contributing this article.

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Understanding the Emotional Impact of Hair Loss and Stress in Seniors: Strategies for Coping and Support - As we age, we start noticing several changes in our hair, which often progresses to noticeable hair loss and balding by the time we reach our mid-thirties. Thank you John Francis for contributing this article.

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The Emotional Journey of Caregiving: Coping Strategies for Caregivers - Caring for a loved one can be deeply rewarding, yet it comes with its own set of emotional challenges. Many caregivers find themselves on an emotional journey that tests their strength, patience, and resilience. Thank you Michael Kilgour for contributing this article.

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12 Strategies for Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Care - In an era where mental health is increasingly recognized as a critical component of overall well-being, integrating mental health services into primary care has become an essential strategy. Thank you Valencia Jasira for contributing this article.

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8 Ways Social Workers Make a Difference in Community Health - In communities across the globe, social workers stand at the forefront of concerted efforts to enhance public health and foster individual well-being. Thank you Stephen Haiden for submitting this article.

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Strength in Adversity: Essential Strategies for Mental Wellness During Long-Term Illness - Across the canvas of life, adversity often sculpts the most meaningful stories. One shape it takes is a long-term illness—a storm that tests both the body and the mind. Thank you Stacy J. Bryant for contributing this article.

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Stress Relief for Seniors: Techniques for Peaceful Living - As caregivers, your role is invaluable in ensuring the well-being of seniors in your care. One critical aspect of their health that often requires your attention is stress management. Thank you Pat Baker for contributing this article.

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Beyond Medication: Exploring Holistic Approaches to Managing Depression - Caring for others, while admirable, is often an overwhelming job. Over time, the demands of your role may lead to the development of mental health issues. Thank you Austin Page for contributing this article.

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Embracing Mindful Choices for a Happier Life: A Guide to Achieving Stress-Free Living in 10 Steps - Amid our modern, rapid-paced world, stress and anxiety have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. We all want to live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life but often struggle to find a way to achieve this. Thank you Stacy Bryant for contributing this article.

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Cultivating Emotional Intelligence: Enhancing Self-awareness and Empathy - In today's fast-paced world, emotional intelligence has emerged as a critical skill for personal and professional success. Thank you Stacy Bryant for contributing this article.

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Healthy Living Tips for Seniors: A Comprehensive Guide for Caregivers - Caring for seniors can be a rewarding but challenging task. The key to helping the elderly lead healthier lives lies in promoting habits that enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Thank you Karen Weeks for contributing this article.

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Three Emotional Benefits to Spending Time with Animals - There are lots of reasons why people decide to introduce a pet into their lives. For some, an animal may feel like the missing piece in their family unit. Thank you Alastair White for contributing this article.

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Fur-Ever Friends: The Positive Impact Pets Can Have on the Elderly - As people age, they may face various physical, emotional, and mental challenges that can impact their quality of life. Maintaining a sense of emotional well-being and social connection is essential for seniors to lead fulfilling lives as they enter their golden years. Thank you Claire Wentz for contributing this article.

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Empower your Loved One With Disability to Live a Happier and Healthier Life With These 7 Tips - Living with a disability can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. It can impact an individual's ability to participate in daily activities, as well as their overall health and well-being. Thank you Evelyn K. Grier for contributing this article.

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How to Care for a Loved One with Cancer - Cancer is a life-threatening disease that affects not just the person diagnosed with it but also their families and loved ones. Taking care of a cancer patient can be a challenging and overwhelming experience, but there are ways to make it easier. Thank you Johny Kershwas for contributing this article.

Coping With Grief: Helping Aging Parents Move on After the Loss of a SpouseAging parents can often be affected by the loss of a spouse, and the impacts of this loss can worsen if they continue living in their matrimonial home. Thank you Claire Wentz for contributing this article.

Coping With Cumulative Grief As a CaregiverAs a caregiver, you can have a closer relationship to death than most people. You might even experience losses one after another, before you have time to fully process the first loss. This can lead to something called cumulative loss—also known as bereavement overload. Thank you Rhett Rivera for contributing this article.

Mental Health Benefits of Hot Tubs - In the world today, it is more important than ever to focus on mental health. With so much stress and negativity, it can be challenging to stay cheerful and well. That's where hot tubs come in! Thank you Peter Rossi for contributing this article.

7 Common Health and Aging Stressors Adults Face as They Grow Older - As your loved ones get older, it can be easy to forget that they're not exempt from common health and aging stressors. Just because they're living longer doesn't mean they don't have concerns about practically anything else in life. Thank you Andrea Gibbs for contributing this article.

3 Ways to Keep Stress Under Control in Stressful SituationsWhat is Stress? There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as stress can mean different things to different people. In general, stress is a feeling of tension or anxiety caused by events or circumstances both inside and outside your control. Thank you Johny Kershaws for contributing this article.

Tips for Caring For An Autistic Child At Home - Caring for an autistic child at home poses different needs for every caregiver. Since the symptoms of autism can drastically range from person to person, safety preparation often feels overwhelming. Thank you Charmaigne Ambas for contributing this article.

8 Lifelong Ways to Support a Senior Loved One with Disability - With the current aging population of our world, it is becoming more common to have a senior loved one with a disability. As they get older and start to curtail their daily activities, it becomes increasingly important for family members and close friends to be there to support them in yet another way. Thank you Andrea Gibbs for contributing this article.

8 Creative Ways for Caregivers to Protect Their Mental Health - As a caregiver, you are probably spending a majority of your time tending to the needs of your loved one, which means you may not have been having many chances to take time off for your own needs. Thank you Karen Weeks for contributing this article.

3 Ways to Stay Organized as a Caregiver - Caregiving isn’t always easy. There are times when it can be frustrating and overwhelming. You might even feel guilty about feeling that way in the first place. With that being said, know that these feelings are completely natural and happen to the best of us. Thank you Rhett Rivera for contributing this article.

8 Ways To Feel Great From the Inside OutAs a caregiver, you may feel that you simply don’t have enough time to pay a little TLC (tender, loving, care) to yourself. However, from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to bed at night, there are hundreds of ways to feel good and look great in your own skin. Thank you Mary Shannon for contributing this article.

How Parents of Special Needs Children Can Identify and Ease Caregiver FatigueParents of children with special needs may feel overwhelmed or guilty about focusing on their own needs. Parental fatigue and unhappiness, however, can lead to poor health outcomes for the entire family. Thank you Kristin Louis for contributing this article.

November is National Family Caregivers’ Month - It’s Time to Take Care of Yourself. November might be best known for Thanksgiving, but it’s also National Family Caregivers Month. Incidentally, November marks Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month as well. Thank you Claire Wentz for contributing this article.

Mental Exercise Games and Activities for the ElderlyAs our body ages, so does our brain which increases the risk for cognitive decline. This can lead to detrimental effects such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other ailments concerned with neurodegenerative problems. Thank you Maricris Tamondong for contributing this article.

Online Caregiver Training and Lifelong Learning for Caregivers - Online caregiver training makes it easy to find helpful information 24/7. If you are a family caregiver or a professional caregiver, you know that the list of what caregivers should know is never-endingBy Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, CG, CSA

3 Key Items to Establish Your Caregiving Support NetworkIf you consider yourself to be a typical family caregiver, like me, you haven’t received any training to become proficient at caregiving. For this reason, it is incredibly helpful to have a network of support. Thank you Leamon Hood Jr for contributing this article.

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  1. A Student's Guide to Maintaining Mental Health - Caregiverology

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    As a student, between your schoolwork, social life, romantic life, family commitments, part-time jobs, and hobbies, it can seem almost impossible to maintain your health and mental well-being.

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  2. How Volunteering Can Benefit Your Own Wellbeing - Caregiverology

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    We all know volunteering greatly benefits the wellbeing of other people, but have you ever thought about how volunteering can benefit you as a volunteer?

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  3. Caring for a Drug Addict: Things You Should Never Do - Caregiverology

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