Sequential compression device cost

by Debbie roberts
(Mansfield, ohio)

how much does sequential compression ted hose and motor cost?

The prices for sequential compression devices vary greatly. This is especially true if you want to buy one new or used. Oftentimes the stockings come with the machine or vice versa. This is the preferred way to purchase them so you can be certain they will work with each other. Be very careful buying them separate because they may not connect with each other. Here is a link to some that are for sale over the internet through amazon. Just click on the blue text below. The prices vary from $40 for one stocking all the way up to $1000. Happy shopping! Let me know what you decide on and how well the product works. Thanks!

sequential compression devices for sale

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Jun 14, 2018
Here's a page with suggestions
by: Derek of caregiverology

I recently made this page on sequential compression devices (SCDs) that people have bought after visiting this site. There are a few highlights and just general information about the products. Be sure to let me know if you have bought these or any other machines so more people can know which one they should purchase. Thanks and happy shopping.

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